Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Week 14: Webcomics

For this week on webcomics, I chose to read Ava’s demon. My roommate donated to the kickstarter a while back and I really enjoyed the art from what I saw so I sat down and read a good deal of it. Unlike many webcomics, which are just like single gag strips, Ava’s Demon is a huge sweeping space epic with a continuous story told panel by panel. What is especially interesting is that each chapter ends with an animated video complete with its own soundtrack to really give those moments of the story their own climatic feeling.

Just like Gingerhaze, also known as Noelle Stevenson, Michelle Czajkowski started off more as a fan artist before creating her original work. The fandom she was the most popular in was  Homestuck, which some may call a webcomic, but it would have to be a very loose form of the media. Homestuck also featured these flash animation segments and clearly Michelle was inspired.

Ava’s Demon is a very interesting story and the art is amazing. Each panel is a beautiful digital painting and even the word bubbles fit seamlessly into the composition. Its astounding to me the very length of the comic as well as the attention to detail. Somehow a single artist was able to create all this, only having to hire a composer when needed, is something I find remarkable, especially considering I barely have the attention span to work on my thesis. 

The plot itself begins with a young girl named Ava, who unknown to others, is possessed by a demon who takes joy out of taunting her and getting her in trouble by making her say things she would never say. Quickly, she gets sent to the principal in what is apparently a futuristic school. The demon possessing her makes her an outsider and other kids consider her an outsider and it even is revealed to have ruined her former friendships. She is promptly expelled, but before this seems to have any drawback, she has to flee from the planet with two other kids as the planet is attacked. The end of the first chapter is that planet literally crumbling. Definitely interesting stuff. 

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